Make your forum international! Translate your entire forum into any language, including user posts!
Add automatic translation to your Forum based on Google Translate, in up to 106 languages, fully customizable!
Important notes:
Best configuration:
The best configuration to use the add-on is to keep the site only in the original language (in English) and use the "automatic" options
Add automatic translation to your Forum based on Google Translate, in up to 106 languages, fully customizable!
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- Translates the entire front-end of the forum, including posts in the same thread, into any language
- Translates any text into up to 106 languages, being able to select all or just a few as you wish
- The first translation when opening the site, for better user experience, may consider the language of the navigator, site, system or user's country
- Translation can be done into one language or several
- The translation menu can be left or right of the login block
- The translation menu can contain flag and text, only flag, only text or be hidden
- The translation menu can be configured differently for desktop and mobile
- Option to hide the real time translation icon
- Option to change dropdown text color
- Field to set words not to be translated
Important notes:
- Google Translate Element uses non official API which is free, so you don't need to pay to use the translations and there is no limit unless they change this in the future
- As the translation is done by the Google Translate, it takes place after a few seconds, so if you need an instant translation, this will not be possible (test it before in our page)
- Some languages mix expressions, proper names or brands in the English language, and sometimes Google Translate does not identify and carry out the translation
- It is not possible to avoid translating some words directly from Google Translate (except on the specific feature of this add-on)
- Sometimes the Google Element does not respond and in this case the user needs to reload the page
- If configured to show the flags, the bootstrap framework is used in older versions and therefore significantly changes the css of some elements of the forum
- As it is a front-end translation, it obviously does not translate emails, does not save translations in the database and consequently SEO will not work with the translated text
- It works in the same way as Google Translate (website option), translating every single word on the page including usernames
- If the user posts in his language, this is how it will be written to the database, in his language. All posts in different languages in the same thread will be translated accordingly, however if one they stop the translation service (almost impossible) or you decide to uninstall the add-on, the posts will remain in the user's language.
Best configuration:
The best configuration to use the add-on is to keep the site only in the original language (in English) and use the "automatic" options